Compare a sample proportion to a population proportion

  lev = "",
  comp_value = 0.5,
  alternative = "two.sided",
  conf_lev = 0.95,
  test = "binom",
  data_filter = "",
  envir = parent.frame()





The variable selected for the proportion comparison


The factor level selected for the proportion comparison


Population value to compare to the sample proportion


The alternative hypothesis ("two.sided", "greater", or "less")


Span of the confidence interval


bionomial exact test ("binom") or Z-test ("z")


Expression entered in, e.g., Data > View to filter the dataset in Radiant. The expression should be a string (e.g., "price > 10000")


Environment to extract data from


A list of variables used in single_prop as an object of class single_prop


See for an example in Radiant

See also

summary.single_prop to summarize the results

plot.single_prop to plot the results


single_prop(titanic, "survived") %>% str()
#> List of 16 #> $ res : tibble [1 × 8] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame) #> ..$ estimate : Named num 0.407 #> .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "probability of success" #> ..$ statistic : Named num 425 #> .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "number of successes" #> ..$ p.value : num 2.5e-09 #> ..$ parameter : Named num 1043 #> .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "number of trials" #> ..$ conf.low : num 0.377 #> ..$ conf.high : num 0.438 #> ..$ method : chr "Exact binomial test" #> ..$ alternative: chr "two.sided" #> $ dat_summary:'data.frame': 1 obs. of 8 variables: #> ..$ diff : num -0.0925 #> ..$ p : num 0.407 #> ..$ ns : int 425 #> ..$ n : int 1043 #> ..$ n_missing: int 0 #> ..$ sd : num 0.491 #> ..$ se : num 0.0152 #> ..$ me : num 0.0298 #> $ p : num 0.407 #> $ ns : int 425 #> $ n : int 1043 #> $ levs : chr [1:2] "Yes" "No" #> $ n_miss : int 0 #> $ df_name : chr "titanic" #> $ dataset : tibble [1,043 × 1] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame) #> ..$ survived: Factor w/ 2 levels "Yes","No": 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 ... #> ..- attr(*, "description")= chr "## Titanic\n\nThis dataset describes the survival status of individual passengers on the Titanic. The titanic d"| __truncated__ #> $ var : chr "survived" #> $ lev : chr "Yes" #> $ comp_value : num 0.5 #> $ alternative: chr "two.sided" #> $ conf_lev : num 0.95 #> $ test : chr "binom" #> $ data_filter: chr "" #> - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "single_prop" "list"
single_prop(titanic, "survived", lev = "Yes", comp_value = 0.5, alternative = "less") %>% str()
#> List of 16 #> $ res : tibble [1 × 8] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame) #> ..$ estimate : Named num 0.407 #> .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "probability of success" #> ..$ statistic : Named num 425 #> .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "number of successes" #> ..$ p.value : num 1.25e-09 #> ..$ parameter : Named num 1043 #> .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "number of trials" #> ..$ conf.low : num 0 #> ..$ conf.high : num 0.433 #> ..$ method : chr "Exact binomial test" #> ..$ alternative: chr "less" #> $ dat_summary:'data.frame': 1 obs. of 8 variables: #> ..$ diff : num -0.0925 #> ..$ p : num 0.407 #> ..$ ns : int 425 #> ..$ n : int 1043 #> ..$ n_missing: int 0 #> ..$ sd : num 0.491 #> ..$ se : num 0.0152 #> ..$ me : num 0.0298 #> $ p : num 0.407 #> $ ns : int 425 #> $ n : int 1043 #> $ levs : chr [1:2] "Yes" "No" #> $ n_miss : int 0 #> $ df_name : chr "titanic" #> $ dataset : tibble [1,043 × 1] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame) #> ..$ survived: Factor w/ 2 levels "Yes","No": 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 ... #> ..- attr(*, "description")= chr "## Titanic\n\nThis dataset describes the survival status of individual passengers on the Titanic. The titanic d"| __truncated__ #> $ var : chr "survived" #> $ lev : chr "Yes" #> $ comp_value : num 0.5 #> $ alternative: chr "less" #> $ conf_lev : num 0.95 #> $ test : chr "binom" #> $ data_filter: chr "" #> - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "single_prop" "list"