Summary method for pivotr

# S3 method for pivotr
summary(object, perc = FALSE, dec = 3, chi2 = FALSE, shiny = FALSE, ...)



Return value from pivotr


Display numbers as percentages (TRUE or FALSE)


Number of decimals to show


If TRUE calculate the chi-square statistic for the (pivot) table


Did the function call originate inside a shiny app


further arguments passed to or from other methods


See for an example in Radiant

See also

pivotr to create the pivot-table using dplyr


pivotr(diamonds, cvars = "cut") %>% summary(chi2 = TRUE)
#> Pivot table #> Data : diamonds #> Categorical : cut #> #> cut n_obs #> Fair 101 #> Good 275 #> Very Good 677 #> Premium 771 #> Ideal 1,176 #> Total 3,000 #> #> Chi-squared: 1202.62 df(4), p.value < .001 #> 0.0% of cells have expected values below 5
pivotr(diamonds, cvars = "cut", tabsort = "desc(n_obs)") %>% summary()
#> Pivot table #> Data : diamonds #> Table sorted: desc(n_obs) #> Categorical : cut #> #> cut n_obs #> Ideal 1,176 #> Premium 771 #> Very Good 677 #> Good 275 #> Fair 101 #> Total 3,000 #>
pivotr(diamonds, cvars = "cut", tabfilt = "n_obs > 700") %>% summary()
#> Pivot table #> Data : diamonds #> Table filter: n_obs > 700 #> Categorical : cut #> #> cut n_obs #> Premium 771 #> Ideal 1,176 #> Total 3,000 #>
pivotr(diamonds, cvars = "cut:clarity", nvar = "price") %>% summary()
#> Pivot table #> Data : diamonds #> Categorical : cut clarity #> Numeric : price #> Function : mean #> #> clarity Fair Good Very_Good Premium Ideal Total #> I1 2,730.167 4,333.500 3,864.167 4,932.231 6,078.200 4,194.775 #> SI2 5,893.964 5,280.919 5,045.621 5,568.019 4,435.673 5,100.189 #> SI1 4,273.069 3,757.022 4,277.544 4,113.811 3,758.125 3,998.577 #> VS2 3,292.000 3,925.481 3,950.947 4,522.914 3,306.290 3,822.967 #> VS1 5,110.769 3,740.697 3,889.475 4,461.333 3,189.362 3,789.181 #> VVS2 2,030.500 4,378.167 2,525.193 3,580.581 3,665.181 3,337.820 #> VVS1 6,761.500 3,889.333 1,945.875 1,426.692 2,960.594 2,608.460 #> IF 3,205.000 817.250 4,675.867 2,361.333 1,961.344 2,411.697 #> Total 4,505.238 4,130.433 3,959.916 4,369.409 3,470.224 3,907.186 #>