Create a (reproducible) report using R
The Report > R tab allows you to run R-code with access
to all functions and data in Radiant. By clicking the
Knit report (R)
button, the code will be evaluated and the
output will be shown on the right of the Report > R page. To
evaluate only a part of the code use the cursor to select a section and
press CTRL-enter
on mac).
You can load an R-code file into Radiant by clicking the
Load report
button and selecting an .r or .R file. If you
started Radiant from Rstudio you can save a report in HTML, Word, or PDF
format by selecting the desired format from the drop-down menu and
clicking Save report
. To save just the code choose
from the dropdown and press the Save report
If you started Radiant from Rstudio, you can also click the
Read files
button to browse for files and generate code to
read it into Radiant. For example, read rda, rds, xls, yaml, and feather
and add them to the Datasets
dropdown. If the file type you
want to load is not currently supported, the path to the file will be
returned. The file path used will be relative to the Rstudio-project
root. Paths to files synced to a local Dropbox or Google Drive folder
will use the find_dropbox
and find_gdrive
functions to enhances reproducibility.
As an example you can copy-and-paste the code below into the editor
and press Knit report (R)
to generate results.
## get the active dataset and show the first few observations
.get_data() %>%
## access a dataset
diamonds %>%
select(price, clarity) %>%
## add a variable to the diamonds data
diamonds <- mutate(diamonds, log_price = log(price))
## show the first observations in the price and log_price columns
diamonds %>%
select(price, log_price) %>%
## create a histogram of prices
diamonds %>%
ggplot(aes(x = price)) +
## and a histogram of log-prices using
visualize(diamonds, xvar = "log_price", custom = TRUE)
## open help in the R-studio viewer from Radiant
help(package = "")
## If you are familiar with Shiny you can call reactives when the code
## is evaluated inside a Shiny app. For example, if you transformed
## some variables in Data > Transform you can call the transform_main
## reacive to see the latest result. Very useful for debugging
# transform_main() %>% head()
The editor used in Report > Rmd and Report >
R has several options that can be set in
options(radiant.ace_vim.keys = FALSE)
options(radiant.ace_theme = "cobalt")
options(radiant.ace_tabSize = 2)
options(radiant.ace_useSoftTabs = TRUE)
options(radiant.ace_showInvisibles = TRUE)
options(radiant.ace_autoComplete = "live")
enables a set of special keyboard short-cuts.
If you have never used VIM you probably don’t want thisshinyAce::getAceThemes()
shows tabs and spaces in the editorFor an overview of related R-functions used by Radiant to generate reproducible reports see Report