Show data as an interactive table


Choose one of the datasets from the Datasets dropdown. Files are loaded into Radiant through the Data > Manage tab.

Filter data

There are several ways to select a subset of the data to view. The Filter data box on the left (click the check-box) can be used with > and < symbols. You can also combine subset commands, for example, x > 3 & y == 2 would show only those rows for which the variable x has values larger than 3 AND for which y is equal to 2. Note that in R, and most other programming languages, = is used to assign a value and == to determine if values are equal to each other. In contrast, != is used to determine if two values are unequal. You can also use expressions that have an OR condition. For example, to select rows where Salary is smaller than $100,000 OR larger than $20,000 use Salary > 20000 | Salary < 100000. | is the symbol for OR and & is the symbol for AND

It is also possible to filter using dates. For example, to select rows with dates before June 1st, 2014 enter date < "2014-6-1" into the filter box and press return.

You can also use string matching to select rows. For example, type grepl('ood', cut) to select rows with Good or Very good cut. This search is case sensitive by default. For case insensitive search use grepl("GOOD", cut, = TRUE). Type your statement in the Filter box and press return to see the result on screen or an error below the box if the expression is invalid.

It is important to note that these filters are persistent and will be applied to any analysis conducted through in Radiant. To deactivate a filter un-check the Filter data check-box. To remove a filter simply delete it.

Operator Description Example
< less than price < 5000
<= less than or equal to carat <= 2
> greater than price > 1000
>= greater than or equal to carat >= 2
== exactly equal to cut == 'Fair'
!= not equal to cut != 'Fair'
| x OR y price > 10000 | cut == 'Premium'
& x AND y carat < 2 & cut == 'Fair'
%in% x is one of y cut %in% c('Fair', 'Good') is missing

Filters can also be used with R-code to quickly view a sample from the selected dataset. For example, runif(n()) > .9 could be used to sample approximately 10% of the rows in the data and 1:n() < 101 would select only the first 100 rows in the data.

Select variables to show

By default all columns in the data are shown. Click on any variable to focus on it alone. To select several variables use the SHIFT and ARROW keys on your keyboard. On a mac the CMD key can also be used to select multiple variables. The same effect is achieved on windows using the CTRL key. To select all variable use CTRL-A (or CMD-A on mac).

Browse the data

By default only 10 rows of data are shown at a time. You can change this setting through the Show ... entries dropdown. Press the Next and Previous buttons at the bottom-right of the screen to page through the data.


Click on a column header in the table to sort the data. Clicking again will toggle between sorting in ascending and descending order. To sort on multiple columns at once press shift and then click on the 2nd, 3rd, etc. column to sort by.

Store filters

It is important to note that column sorting, column filters, and search are not persistent. To store these settings for use in other parts of Radiant press the Store button. You can store the data and settings under a different dataset name by changing the value in the text input to the left of the Store button. This feature can also be used to select a subset of variables to keep. Just select the ones you want to keep and press the Store button. For more control over the variables you want to keep or remove and to specify their order in the dataset use the Data > Transform tab.

To download the data in csv format click the icon on the top right of your screen.

Click the report () icon on the bottom left of your screen or press ALT-enter on your keyboard to add the filter and sort commands used by Radiant to a (reproducible) report in Report > Rmd.


For an overview of related R-functions used by Radiant to view, search, and filter data see Data > View

© Vincent Nijs (2019) Creative Commons License